![]() |
game/visualization engine based on non-Euclidean geometry
Large map structures, such as (horo)cycles and equidistants. More...
#include "hyper.h"
Classes | |
struct | hr::loopchecker |
Namespaces | |
hr | |
Macros | |
#define | INVLUCK (items[itOrbLuck] && inv::on) |
#define | I2000 (INVLUCK?600:2000) |
#define | I10000 (INVLUCK?3000:10000) |
Functions | |
EX int | hr::newRoundTableRadius () |
EX int | hr::getAnthraxData (cell *c, bool b) |
EX int | hr::roundTableRadius (cell *c) |
EX int | hr::celldistAltRelative (cell *c) |
EX gp::loc | hr::camelot_coords () |
EX int | hr::euclidAlt (short x, short y) |
EX int | hr::cylinder_alt (cell *c) |
EX int | hr::compassDist (cell *c) |
EX cell * | hr::findcompass (cell *c) |
EX bool | hr::grailWasFound (cell *c) |
EX int | hr::default_levs () |
EX int | hr::hrandom_adjacent (int d) |
EX heptagon * | hr::createAlternateMap (cell *c, int rad, hstate firststate, int special IS(0)) |
EX void | hr::beCIsland (cell *c) |
EX void | hr::generateTreasureIsland (cell *c) |
EX cell * | hr::buildAnotherEquidistant (cell *c, int radius) |
EX void | hr::buildAnotherEquidistant (cell *c) |
EX int | hr::coastval (cell *c, eLand base) |
EX bool | hr::checkInTree (cell *c, int maxv) |
EX void | hr::buildEquidistant (cell *c) |
EX cell * | hr::randomDown (cell *c) |
EX int | hr::edgeDepth (cell *c) |
EX int | hr::getHauntedDepth (cell *c) |
EX int | hr::towerval (cell *c, const cellfunction &cf) |
EX void | hr::setLandWeird (cell *c) |
EX void | hr::setLandQuotient (cell *c) |
EX void | hr::elementalXY (cell *c, int x, int y, bool make_wall) |
EX void | hr::setLandSphere (cell *c) |
EX eLand & | hr::get_euland (int c) |
EX void | hr::clear_euland (eLand first) |
bool | hr::valid_wall_at (int c) |
EX eLand | hr::switchable (eLand nearland, eLand farland, int c) |
EX eLand | hr::getEuclidLand (int c) |
EX void | hr::setLandSol (cell *c) |
EX void | hr::setLandHybrid (cell *c) |
EX void | hr::setLandNil (cell *c) |
EX void | hr::setLandEuclid (cell *c) |
EX eLand | hr::get_euland3 (int x) |
EX void | hr::set_euland3 (cell *c, int co10, int co11, int alt, int hash) |
EX bool | hr::quickfind (eLand l) |
EX int | hr::wallchance (cell *c, bool deepOcean) |
EX bool | hr::horo_ok () |
EX bool | hr::gp_wall_test () |
EX bool | hr::deep_ocean_at (cell *c, cell *from) |
EX bool | hr::good_for_wall (cell *c) |
EX bool | hr::walls_not_implemented () |
EX void | hr::buildBigStuff (cell *c, cell *from) |
EX bool | hr::openplains (cell *c) |
EX void | hr::buildCamelotWall (cell *c) |
EX bool | hr::no_barriers_in_radius (cell *c, int rad) |
EX eMonster | hr::camelot_monster () |
EX void | hr::buildCamelot (cell *c) |
EX int | hr::masterAlt (cell *c) |
EX int | hr::temple_layer_size () |
EX int | hr::horo_gen_distance () |
EX void | hr::moreBigStuff (cell *c) |
EX void | hr::generate_mines () |
EX void | hr::pregen () |
Large map structures, such as (horo)cycles and equidistants.
This file implements: