HyperRogue  11.3d
game/visualization engine based on non-Euclidean geometry
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checkmove.cpp File Reference

Check the validity of move (checkmate rule) More...

#include "hyper.h"


struct  hr::stalemate1






EX bool hr::pureHardcore ()
EX bool hr::hasSafeOrb (cell *c)
EX bool hr::krakensafe (cell *c)
EX bool hr::monstersnear (stalemate1 &sm)
EX bool hr::monstersnear2 ()
EX bool hr::monstersnear (cell *c, eMonster who, cell *pushto, cell *comefrom)
EX bool hr::stalemate::isMoveto (cell *c)
EX bool hr::stalemate::isPushto (cell *c)
EX bool hr::onboat (stalemate1 &sm)
EX bool hr::multimove ()
EX bool hr::swordConflict (const stalemate1 &sm1, const stalemate1 &sm2)
EX void hr::checkmove ()


EX bool hr::hardcore = false
EX int hr::hardcoreAt
EX bool hr::canmove = true
EX eMonster hr::who_kills_me
EX int hr::lastkills
EX vector< bool > hr::legalmoves
EX vector< stalemate1 > hr::stalemate::moves
EX bool hr::stalemate::nextturn
EX bool hr::multi::checkonly = false
EX bool hr::multi::aftermove

Detailed Description

Check the validity of move (checkmate rule)

check whether monster/PC can move in the given direction