HyperRogue  11.3d
game/visualization engine based on non-Euclidean geometry
Classes | Namespaces | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
expansion.cpp File Reference

exponential growth of hyperbolic geometries More...

#include "hyper.h"


struct  hr::expansion_analyzer




enum  eDistanceFrom { dfPlayer, dfStart, dfWorld }
enum  eNumberCoding { ncNone, ncDistance, ncType, ncDebug }


int hr::subtype (cell *c)
void hr::canonicize (vector< int > &t)
template<class T , class U >
vector< int > hr::get_children_codes (cell *c, const T &distfun, const U &typefun)
template<class T >
int hr::size_upto (vector< T > &v, int s)
EX int hr::type_in (expansion_analyzer &ea, cell *c, const cellfunction &f)
int hr::type_in_quick (expansion_analyzer &ea, cell *c, const cellfunction &f)
EX bool hr::sizes_known ()
EX bool hr::trees_known ()
bool hr::mod_allowed ()
EX int hr::curr_dist (cell *c)
EX int hr::type_in_reduced (expansion_analyzer &ea, cell *c, const cellfunction &f)
EX int hr::parent_id (cell *c, int which, const cellfunction &cf)
EX void hr::generate_around (cell *c)
EX cell * hr::ts::verified_add (cell *c, int which, int bonus, const cellfunction &cf)
EX cell * hr::ts::verified_add_gen (cell *c, int which, int bonus, const cellfunction &cf)
EX cell * hr::ts::add (cell *c, int which, int bonus, const cellfunction &cf)
EX cell * hr::ts::left_of (cell *c, const cellfunction &cf)
EX cell * hr::ts::right_of (cell *c, const cellfunction &cf)
EX cell * hr::ts::child_number (cell *c, int id, const cellfunction &cf)
cell * hr::ts::left_parent (cell *c, const cellfunction &cf)
cell * hr::ts::right_parent (cell *c, const cellfunction &cf)
color_t hr::distribute_color (int id)
EX void hr::viewdist_configure_dialog ()
bool hr::is_descendant (cell *c)
EX void hr::enable_viewdists ()
bool hr::expansion_handleKey (int sym, int uni)
void hr::compute_coefficients ()
int hr::expansion_readArgs ()
EX void hr::set_sibling_limit ()
int hr::celldist0 (cell *c)
bool hr::in_segment (cell *left, cell *mid, cell *right)
int hr::sibling_distance (cell *a, cell *b, int limit)
EX int hr::hyperbolic_celldistance (cell *c1, cell *c2)


ld hr::growth
string hr::dfnames [3] = { "player", "start", "land" }
eDistanceFrom hr::distance_from = dfPlayer
string hr::ncnames [4] = { "NO", "distance", "type", "debug" }
eNumberCoding hr::number_coding = ncDistance
int hr::position
EX bool hr::viewdists = false
EX bool hr::use_color_codes = true
EX bool hr::use_analyzer = true
EX bool hr::show_distance_lists = true
int hr::first_distance = 0
int hr::scrolltime = 0
bool hr::scrolling_distances = false
EX map< int, color_t > hr::expcolors
const int hr::scrollspeed = 100
bool hr::not_only_descendants = false
int hr::expansion_hook = addHook(hooks_handleKey, 0, expansion_handleKey)
auto hr::ea_hook = addHook(hooks_args, 100, expansion_readArgs)
EX expansion_analyzer hr::expansion
EX int hr::sibling_limit = 0

Detailed Description

exponential growth of hyperbolic geometries

Calculations related to this exponential growth. Screens which display this exponential growth (e.g. 'size of the world' in geometry experiments) are also implemented here.