HyperRogue  11.3d
game/visualization engine based on non-Euclidean geometry
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help.cpp File Reference

Building and displaying help text. More...

#include "hyper.h"
#include "content.cpp"


struct  hr::help_extension




#define LAND(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)   case c:
#define REQ(x)   x return;
#define REQAS(x, y)   y l = x; goto back;
#define GOLD(x)   NUMBER(gold(), x, XLAT("Treasure required: %1 $$$.\n", its(x)))
#define KILL(who, where)   NUMBER(kills[who], 1, XLAT("Kills required: %1 (%2).\n", who, where))
#define ITEMS(kind, number)   NUMBER(items[kind], number, XLAT("Treasure required: %1 x %2.\n", its(number), kind))
#define NEVER   ;
#define ALWAYS   s += XLAT("Always available.\n");
#define KILLS(x)   NUMBER(tkills(), x, XLAT("Kills required: %1.\n", its(x)))
#define AKILL(who, where)   s += XLAT("Alternatively: kill a %1 in %the2.\n", who, where); buteol(s, kills[who], 1);
#define ORD(a, b)   b a
#define ALT(x)
#define NUMBER(val, required, description)   s += description; buteol(s, val, required);
#define COND(x, y)   s += (y);
#define ITEMS_TOTAL(list, z)   { int now = 0; string t = ""; for(eItem i: list) { if(t!="") t += " + "; t += XLATN(iinf[i].name); now += items[i]; } s += XLAT("Treasure required: %1 x %2.\n", its(z), t); buteol(s, now, z); }
#define ACCONLY(z)   s += XLAT("Accessible only from %the1.\n", z);
#define ACCONLY2(z, x)   s += XLAT("Accessible only from %the1 or %the2.\n", z, x);
#define ACCONLYF(z)   s += XLAT("Accessible only from %the1 (until finished).\n", z);


void hr::buildHelpText ()
EX string hr::standard_help ()
EX void hr::buildCredits ()
string hr::pushtext (stringpar p)
string hr::princedesc ()
EX string hr::helptitle (string s, color_t col)
string hr::princessReviveHelp ()
void hr::describeOrb (string &help, const orbinfo &oi)
string hr::other_geometry ()
string hr::other_land ()
string hr::other_geometry_land ()
string hr::forbidden_marked ()
string hr::forbidden_unmarked ()
EX string hr::generateHelpForItem (eItem it)
void hr::addMinefieldExplanation (string &s)
EX string hr::generateHelpForWall (eWall w)
void hr::buteol (string &s, int current, int req)
EX string hr::generateHelpForMonster (eMonster m)
void hr::add_reqs (eLand l, string &s)
EX string hr::generateHelpForLand (eLand l)
string hr::turnstring (int i)
EX string hr::bygen (reaction_t h)
void hr::gotoHelpFor (eLand l)
void hr::gotoHelpFor (eItem i)
void hr::gotoHelpFor (eWall w)
void hr::gotoHelpFor (eMonster m)
EX void hr::appendHelp (string s)
EX void hr::describeMouseover ()
EX void hr::showHelp ()
EX void hr::gotoHelp (const string &h)
EX void hr::subhelp (const string &h)


EX string hr::help
EX function< void()> hr::help_delegate
EX vector< help_extension > hr::help_extensions
vector< string > hr::extra_keys
string hr::hyperstone_optional = "Completing the quest in this land is not necessary for the Hyperstone Quest."
string hr::power_help
EX bool hr::instat
reaction_t hr::helpgenerator
unsigned char hr::lastval
int hr::windtotal
EX hookset< void(cell *)> * hr::hooks_mouseover
EX hookset< bool()> * hr::hooks_default_help

Detailed Description

Building and displaying help text.