HyperRogue  11.3d
game/visualization engine based on non-Euclidean geometry
Classes | Namespaces | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Variables
classes.cpp File Reference

items, monsters, walls, lands, descriptions, etc. More...

#include "hyper.h"
#include "content.cpp"


struct  hr::monstertype
struct  hr::genderswitch_t
struct  hr::itemtype
struct  hr::walltype
struct  hr::landtype
struct  hr::landtacinfo
struct  hr::geometryinfo1
struct  hr::geometryinfo
struct  hr::modelinfo




#define MONSTER(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)   d,
#define MONSTER(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)   {a,b,c,e,g,h},
#define NUM_GS   8
#define IC_TREASURE   0
#define IC_OTHER   1
#define IC_ORB   2
#define IC_NAI   3
#define ITEM(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i)   d,
#define ITEM(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i)   {a,b,c,e,f,h,i},
#define WALL(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i)   d,
#define WALL(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i)   {a,b,c,e,g,h,i},
#define LAND(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)   c,
#define LAND(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)   {a,b,d,e,g},
#define X3(x)   x, x, x


typedef flagtype hr::modecode_t


enum  eSlimegroup {
  sgNone, sgCave, sgWater, sgFloorA,
  sgFloorB, sgVine, sgTree
enum  eMonster { motypes }
enum  eOrbshape {
  osNone, osLove, osRanged, osOffensive,
  osFriend, osUtility, osDirectional, osWarping,
enum  eItem { ittypes }
enum  eWall { walltypes }
enum  eLand { landtypes }
enum  eGeometry {
  gNormal, gEuclid, gSphere, gElliptic,
  gZebraQuotient, gFieldQuotient, gTorus, gOctagon,
  g45, g46, g47, gSmallSphere,
  gTinySphere, gEuclidSquare, gSmallElliptic, gKleinQuartic,
  gBolza, gBolza2, gMinimal, gBinaryTiling,
  gArchimedean, gMacbeath, gBring, gSchmutzM2,
  gSchmutzM3, gCrystal, gOctahedron, gBinary3,
  gCubeTiling, gCell120, gECell120, gRhombic3,
  gBitrunc3, gSpace534, gSpace435, gCell5,
  gCell8, gECell8, gCell16, gECell16,
  gCell24, gECell24, gCell600, gECell600,
  gHoroTris, gHoroRec, gHoroHex, gField435,
  gField534, gBinary4, gSol, gKiteDart2,
  gKiteDart3, gNil, gProduct, gRotSpace,
  gTernary, gNIH, gSolN, gInfOrder,
  gSpace336, gSpace344, gCrystal344, gArnoldCat,
  gArbitrary, gInfOrder4, gCrystal534, gSpace535,
  gSpace536, gSeifertCover, gSeifertWeber, gHomologySphere,
  gInfOrderMixed, gSpace436, gGUARD
enum  eGeometryClass {
  gcHyperbolic, gcEuclid, gcSphere, gcSolNIH,
  gcNil, gcProduct, gcSL2
enum  eVariation {
  bitruncated, pure, goldberg, irregular,
enum  eModel : int {
  mdDisk, mdHalfplane, mdBand, mdPolygonal,
  mdFormula, mdEquidistant, mdEquiarea, mdBall,
  mdHyperboloid, mdHemisphere, mdBandEquidistant, mdBandEquiarea,
  mdSinusoidal, mdTwoPoint, mdFisheye, mdJoukowsky,
  mdJoukowskyInverted, mdRotatedHyperboles, mdSpiral, mdPerspective,
  mdEquivolume, mdCentralInversion, mdSimulatedPerspective, mdTwoHybrid,
  mdGeodesic, mdMollweide, mdCentralCyl, mdCollignon,
  mdHorocyclic, mdGUARD, mdPixel, mdHyperboloidFlat,
  mdPolynomial, mdManual


const char * hr::wormdes
const char * hr::cocytushelp
const char * hr::tentdes
const char * hr::gameboardhelp
const char * hr::ivydes
const char * hr::slimehelp
const char * hr::gdemonhelp
const char * hr::ldemonhelp
const char * hr::trollhelp
const EX char * hr::trollhelp2
const char * hr::trollhelpX
const char * hr::camelothelp
const char * hr::templehelp
const char * hr::barrierhelp
const char * hr::cavehelp
const char * hr::vinehelp
const char * hr::hvinehelp
const char * hr::deadcavehelp
const char * hr::foresthelp
const char * hr::hivehelp
const char * hr::redrockhelp
const char * hr::caribbeanhelp
const char * hr::cislandhelp
const char * hr::redsnakedes
const char * hr::minedesc
const char * hr::palacedesc
const char * hr::gatedesc
const char * hr::princessdesc
const char * hr::elemdesc
const char * hr::wildwestdesc
const char * hr::elecdesc
const char * hr::overdesc
const char * hr::cleardesc
const char * hr::winddesc
const char * hr::warningdesc
const char * hr::hauntdesc
const char * hr::bulldashdesc
const char * hr::prairiedesc
const char * hr::cadesc
const char * hr::huntingdesc
const char * hr::terradesc
const char * hr::terraldesc
const char * hr::arrowtrapdesc
const char * hr::lavadesc
const char * hr::blizzarddesc
const char * hr::crystaldesc
const char * hr::NODESC = "No description yet."
const char * hr::NODESCYET = "No description yet."
const char * hr::GENDERSWITCH = NODESC
const EX char * hr::rosedesc
const EX char * hr::warpdesc
const char * hr::warplanddesc
const char * hr::roselanddesc
const char * hr::dragondesc
const char * hr::tortoisedesc
const char * hr::krakendesc
const char * hr::halloweendesc
const char * hr::reptiledesc
const char * hr::naturedesc
const char * hr::mirroreddesc
const char * hr::tamebomberdesc
const char * hr::gargdesc
const char * hr::lakeDesc = "Hell has these lakes everywhere... They are shaped like evil stars, and filled with burning sulphur."
const char * hr::thumpdesc = "A device that attracts sandworms and other enemies. You need to activate it."
const char * hr::twdesc = "This structure will disappear after some time."
const char * hr::jellydesc
const char * hr::ruindesc
const char * hr::rock_description
EX monstertype hr::minf [motypes]
EX genderswitch_t hr::genderswitch [NUM_GS]
EX itemtype hr::iinf [ittypes]
EX walltype hr::winf [walltypes]
color_t hr::floorcolors [landtypes]
const EX landtype hr::linf [landtypes]
EX vector< landtacinfo > hr::land_tac
EX vector< eLand > hr::randlands
eGeometry hr::geometry
eVariation hr::variation
EX geometryinfo1 hr::giEuclid2 = { gcEuclid, 2, 2, 3, {1,1, 0,0 } }
EX geometryinfo1 hr::giHyperb2 = { gcHyperbolic, 2, 2, 3, {1,1,-1,0 } }
EX geometryinfo1 hr::giSphere2 = { gcSphere, 2, 2, 3, {1,1,+1,0 } }
EX geometryinfo1 hr::giEuclid3 = { gcEuclid, 3, 3, 4, {1,1, 1,0 } }
EX geometryinfo1 hr::giHyperb3 = { gcHyperbolic, 3, 3, 4, {1,1, 1,-1} }
EX geometryinfo1 hr::giSphere3 = { gcSphere, 3, 3, 4, {1,1, 1,+1} }
EX geometryinfo1 hr::giSolNIH = { gcSolNIH, 3, 3, 4, {1,1, 1,0 } }
EX geometryinfo1 hr::giNil = { gcNil, 3, 3, 4, {1,1, 1,0 } }
EX geometryinfo1 hr::giProduct = { gcSL2, 3, 3, 4, {1,1, 1,0 } }
EX geometryinfo1 hr::giSL2 = { gcSL2, 3, 3, 4, {1,1,-1,-1} }
EX vector< geometryinfo > hr::ginf
EX vector< modelinfo > hr::mdinf
const eLand hr::NOWALLSEP = laNone
const eLand hr::NOWALLSEP_USED = laWhirlpool

Detailed Description

items, monsters, walls, lands, descriptions, etc.

See content.cpp for actual items, monsters, walls and lands.