HyperRogue  11.3d
game/visualization engine based on non-Euclidean geometry
Namespaces | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
control.cpp File Reference

Routines related to controlling the game. More...

#include "hyper.h"




typedef SDL_Event hr::eventtype


EX bool hr::mouseout ()
EX bool hr::mouseout2 ()
EX movedir hr::vectodir (hyperpoint P)
EX void hr::remission ()
EX hyperpoint hr::move_destination_vec (int d)
EX void hr::movepckeydir (int d)
EX void hr::calcMousedest ()
EX void hr::mousemovement ()
EX void hr::initJoysticks ()
EX void hr::closeJoysticks ()
EX void hr::checkjoy ()
EX void hr::checkpanjoy (double t)
EX bool hr::doexiton (int sym, int uni)
transmatrix hr::zforward_push (ld z)
EX void hr::handlePanning (int sym, int uni)
EX void hr::handleKeyNormal (int sym, int uni)
EX void hr::fix_mouseh ()
EX void hr::handlekey (int sym, int uni)
EX void hr::resize_screen_to (int x, int y)
EX void hr::mainloopiter ()
EX void hr::handle_event (SDL_Event &ev)
EX void hr::mainloop ()
EX bool hr::interpret_as_direction (int sym, int uni)
EX int hr::get_direction_key (int sym, int uni)
EX bool hr::gmodekeys (int sym, int uni)
EX bool hr::haveMobileCompass ()
EX bool hr::handleCompass ()
EX void hr::ors::reset ()
void hr::ors::delayed_reset ()
EX void hr::ors::show ()
void hr::ors::relative_apply ()
void hr::ors::relative_unapply ()
transmatrix hr::ors::change_geometry (const transmatrix &T)
EX void hr::ors::unrotate (transmatrix &T)
EX void hr::ors::rerotate (transmatrix &T)
EX void hr::ors::check_orientation ()


EX int hr::frames
EX bool hr::outoffocus = false
EX int hr::mousex
EX int hr::mousey
EX hyperpoint hr::mouseh
EX hyperpoint hr::mouseoh
EX bool hr::leftclick
EX bool hr::rightclick
EX bool hr::targetclick
EX bool hr::hiliteclick
EX bool hr::anyshiftclick
EX bool hr::wheelclick
EX bool hr::forcetarget
EX bool hr::lshiftclick
EX bool hr::lctrlclick
EX bool hr::numlock_on
EX bool hr::gtouched
EX bool hr::holdmouse
EX int hr::getcstat
EX int hr::lgetcstat
EX ld hr::getcshift
EX bool hr::inslider
EX function< void(int sym, int uni)> hr::keyhandler = [] (int sym, int uni) {}
EX function< bool(SDL_Event &ev)> hr::joyhandler = [] (SDL_Event &ev) {return false;}
EX bool hr::mousing = true
EX bool hr::mousepressed = false
EX bool hr::mousemoved = false
EX bool hr::actonrelease = false
EX bool hr::mousepan
EX bool hr::oldmousepan
EX ld hr::mouseaim_x
EX ld hr::mouseaim_y
EX ld hr::mouseaim_sensitivity = 0.01
EX int hr::timetowait
EX int hr::joyx
EX int hr::joyy
EX int hr::panjoyx
EX int hr::panjoyy
EX movedir hr::joydir
EX movedir hr::mousedest
EX ld hr::shiftmul = 1
EX cell * hr::mouseover
EX cell * hr::mouseover2
EX cell * hr::lmouseover
EX ld hr::modist
EX ld hr::modist2
EX int hr::lastt
EX SDL_Joystick * hr::sticks [8]
EX int hr::numsticks
int hr::joytime
EX bool hr::joy_ignore_next = false
EX bool hr::quitmainloop = false
EX bool hr::didsomething
EX bool hr::smooth_scrolling = false
EX purehookset hr::hooks_fixticks
EX bool hr::need_mouseh = false
int hr::cframelimit = 1000
int hr::lastframe
EX int hr::ors::mode
double hr::ors::sensitivity = 1
int hr::ors::when_enabled
transmatrix hr::ors::last_orientation
transmatrix hr::ors::relative_matrix = Id
EX string hr::ors::choices [3] = {"OFF", "relative", "absolute"}
int hr::ors::first_check
int hr::ors::last_check

Detailed Description

Routines related to controlling the game.