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game/visualization engine based on non-Euclidean geometry
3d-models.cpp | This file contains the routines to convert HyperRogue's old vector graphics into 3D models |
arbitrile.cpp | Arbitrary tilings |
archimedean.cpp | Archimedean tilings |
asonov.cpp | Arnold's cat map |
barriers.cpp | This file implements routines related to barriers (Great Walls and similar) |
basegraph.cpp | This file implements the basic graphical routines |
bigstuff.cpp | Large map structures, such as (horo)cycles and equidistants |
binary-tiling.cpp | Binary tilings in 2D and 3D |
blizzard.cpp | Special graphical effects, such as the Blizzard and arrow traps |
cell.cpp | General cells and maps |
checkmove.cpp | Check the validity of move (checkmate rule) |
classes.cpp | Items, monsters, walls, lands, descriptions, etc |
commandline.cpp | Commandline options support |
complex.cpp | This file implements the gameplay/generation for the more complex lands and mechanics |
complex2.cpp | Continuation of complex.cpp |
config.cpp | Configuration – initial settings, saving/loading ini files, menus, etc |
content.cpp | X-macros for items, monsters, walls, and lands |
control.cpp | Routines related to controlling the game |
crystal.cpp | Multi-dimensional (aka crystal) geometries |
debug.cpp | Debugging and cheating |
dialogs.cpp | Implementation of various generic dialogs and elements of dialog windows |
dpgen.cpp | Dual geometry puzzle generator |
drawing.cpp | Rendering shapes (dqi_draw), queue of shapes to render (ptds), etc |
environment.cpp | Game environment: routines related to the game that affect all the map. Monsters to move are detected here, but their moves are implemented in monstermove.cpp |
euclid.cpp | Euclidean geometry, including 2D, 3D, and quotient spaces |
expansion.cpp | Exponential growth of hyperbolic geometries |
fieldpattern.cpp | Field Quotient geometry |
flags.cpp | Implementation of various simple flags for lands, items, monsters, and walls |
floorshapes.cpp | Adjusting the floor shapes to various geometries |
game.cpp | Basic game routines |
geom-exp.cpp | The 'experiments with geometry' menu |
geometry.cpp | Calculation of basic, and less basic, constants in each geometry |
geometry2.cpp | Matrices to transform between coordinates of various cells, coordinates of cell corners, etc |
glhr.cpp | Low-level OpenGL routines |
goldberg.cpp | Goldberg-Coxeter construction |
graph.cpp | Drawing cells, monsters, items, etc |
help.cpp | Building and displaying help text |
heptagon.cpp | Implementation of Heptagons |
history.cpp | Implementation of the history mode, including the long band and long spiral |
hprint.cpp | Routines related to displaying various things, and writing them to console and files. Nicer than the standard C++ streams |
hud.cpp | Heads-Up display: items collected, monsters killed, radar, etc |
hyper.cpp | Hyper_main function |
hyper.h | The main header file of HyperRogue |
hyperpoint.cpp | Basic computations in non-Euclidean geometry |
hypgraph.cpp | Mapping hyperpoints to the screen, and related functions |
init.cpp | Initialization, and stuff related to mobiles |
inventory.cpp | Orb Strategy Mode |
irregular.cpp | Irregular (Voronoi) tilings |
kite.cpp | Kite-and-dart tiling, both in R^2 and H^3 |
landgen.cpp | Generating various lands |
landlock.cpp | Unlocking lands, which lands could be found beyond the wall, validity of various lands depending on the settings |
language.cpp | Localization support |
locations.cpp | Definition of connection tables, walkers, cell and heptagon structures |
mapeffects.cpp | Routines handling the map effects |
menus.cpp | Generic menus (start menu, main menu, Overview, etc.) |
models.cpp | Models of hyperbolic geometry: their properties, projection menu |
monstergen.cpp | Monster generation |
monstermove.cpp | Monster movement |
multi.cpp | Multiplayer features, also input configuration |
netgen.cpp | Paper model generator |
nofont.cpp | Built-in font (used e.g. in the web version) |
nonisotropic.cpp | Nonisotropic spaces (Solv and Nil) |
orbgen.cpp | Orb generation: which orbs in which lands, functions generating prize/local orbs, etc |
orbs.cpp | Implementation of various Orb effects, and their properties such as default and maximum charges |
pattern2.cpp | Various functions computing the standings of individual cells with respect to various patterns |
patterns.cpp | Tables that the complex patterns (Emerald, Palace, Field Pattern) are based on |
pcmove.cpp | PC movements |
polygons.cpp | Shapes used for the vector graphics, mostly hand-drawn (the vector data is here), some procedurally generated |
quit.cpp | Mission screen, and routines related to it |
quotient.cpp | Quotient spaces |
racing.cpp | Racing mode |
raycaster.cpp | A raycaster to draw walls |
reg3.cpp | Regular honeycombs |
renderbuffer.cpp | Drawing screens to buffers |
rug.cpp | Hypersian Rug mode |
scores.cpp | Local highscore lists |
screenshot.cpp | Screenshots, SVG format, animations, start animations |
shaders.cpp | Shaders |
shmup.cpp | Shoot'em up mode |
sound.cpp | Sound effects and music |
sphere.cpp | Spherical spaces |
surface.cpp | Surfaces of constant negative curvature |
sysconfig.h | Set compiler flags, and include all the required system headers |
system.cpp | Changing game modes, starting, closing, loading and saving games |
textures.cpp | Texture mode, also the basic definitions of textures, used in 3D mode |
tour.cpp | Tutorial and presentation system |
usershapes.cpp | User-defined shapes |
util.cpp | Basic utility functions: maths, parsing expressions |
yendor.cpp | Yendor Quest/Challenge, Pure Tactics Mode, Peace Mode |